Canaan Church is a warm and family-oriented church located in the great St George’s neighbourhood and worships a wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ who has impacted countless lives. Here at Canaan, we desire that people know and follow Jesus so that they grow in Him and will go to make Him known.
We delight to share with you the love of God through this wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ so that you too can experience God in a personal and powerful way.
A Church of a Humble Beginning (1977 – 1994)
In 1973, a group of 80 Christians formed a congregation apart from their base church at Kum Yan Methodist Church. For 3 to 4 years they moved from meeting halls to meeting halls but firmly believed that God would provide a more permanent meeting place.
In 1977, God made available a property at 84 St Francis Road which they named Singapore Christian Canaan Church, just like the Israelites of old when God had led them to the promised land – Canaan. The congregation continued to grow and in 1979, an English-speaking congregation was formed, mainly from children of the Chinese-speaking parent congregation. God had blessed this new group of believers and added many new members. Both congregations were tremendously blessed by the Lord and in 1994, the Filipino Fellowship was started by God’s grace.
God is Faithful (1995-2001)
Canaan is experiencing a new era in its growth. God has created a means for Canaan to expand, made possible by a new, larger building on the same premise. To better reflect the directions of the new ministries and our commitment to minister to the people around us, we named the new building Canaan Centre.
The Church is here to serve (2002 till present)
By the grace of God, Canaan continues to expand and build to four levels. This is a testimony of God’s provision and faithfulness as the church experiences continuous growth through the faithful sharing of the love of God and the message of the Gospel to her community.